Legal Debt Validation

A Legal Way Not to Pay Your Debts Unless They Are Proven Valid

Debt Relief Services

Debt Validation Assistance Program

Debt Settlement Assistance Program


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What is Debt Validation?

If you owe on a debt that is in collections with a third-party, no matter whether or not you actually owe the money, you should not pay a penny until the debt collector proves your debt is valid.  Why pay if the third-party collector might not even be able to show they have the legal right to collect from you?  After all, if they can’t prove they have the right, you may legally have the right not to pay.

Debt Validation Works Especially well with Debt Purchasers

If the right to collect on your past due debt has been sold to another company known as a debt purchaser or debt buyer, this new company now has the right to collect what you owed to your original creditor.  This does not mean you need to pay them immediately when they first contact you.  When debt purchasers buy debt collection rights, they frequently do not receive all the necessary proof to show their valid right to collect from you.  These transactions regarding the sale of delinquent debt accounts are regularly missing essential documentation or contain incorrect documents.

Debt validation makes the debt purchaser or their debt collection agencies or attorneys prove they have the right to collect the debt they claim you owe.  They not only have to show the amount they claim you owe is accurate but also provide all the documentation to prove they can legally collect as required by federal law.

Debt Validation Requires Documentation Showing:

  • your debt is valid including proof of assignment or proof of sale
  • your debt is legally within the statute of limitations
  • the third-party debt collector’s information is accurate
  • a complete accounting of the alleged balance owed

Debt Validation with Our Debt Settlement Services Typically Yields Better Results

Debt Validation in conjunction with Debt Settlement usually means more favorable settlement offers on your behalf. Not only are the offers for lower amounts, but the offers tend to come in a shorter timeframe upon starting the Debt Settlement Process.  One of our Debt Team Members that knows the Consumer Protection Laws and our Debt Invalidation techniques can be worth their weight in gold.

One of our Team members that knows the Consumer Protection Laws and our Debt Invalidation techniques can be worth their weight in gold.

The 5 Laws that Allow You to Invalidate Your Debts Legally

Debt Invalidation is not a program, but instead a process that uses Federal and State consumer laws to make sure third-party debt collectors do not take advantage of you when collecting.  Debt collectors often violate laws when attempting to collect, so our job is to protect your rights and to ensure you do not pay any debt that is not 100% valid.  If your debts are not proven to be valid, you will legally not have to pay – regardless of whether or not you owe the money.

Many debt collectors demand payment and using intimidating tactics as most individuals do not know their rights.  When you hire United Global Services, you will be well informed of the laws written to protect you and will have a team of debt Team Members and certified debt specialists that will look after your rights to ensure no debt collectors take advantage of you.

Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA)

The FDCPA protects you from debt collectors that use abusive, deceptive or unfair practices.  This is the primary law relating to Debt Validation.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

The FCRA protects you from the entry of inaccurate information on your credit report.  This law is crucial when removing invalidated accounts from your credit.

The Truth In Lending Act (TILA)

The TILA protects you from mistakes when an original creditor or third-party collector demands an inaccurate amount, allowing you to dispute transactions and balances allegedly owed.

The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA)

The Fair Credit Billing Act is an amendment to the Truth in Lending Act.  It is part of the federal consumer protection law that protects you when billing errors occur.

The Credit Card Act of 2009

The Credit Card Act of 2009 protects you from excessive interest rates, unfair interest rate hikes, and penalty fees.

How Debt Validation Works


From the time you are first contacted by a debt collector, they have 5 days days to send you a written notice of their intentions to collect.  In this notice, will be some language stating that within 30 days, you have the right to dispute the validity of the alleged debt which is the first step of the debt validation process.  We will prepare notices of dispute on your behalf whether or not you actually owe the money they claim.  We send these dispute notices to ensure the collection agency has the right to collect the debt you owe.

Once the debt collector receives our dispute notices, they will then have 30 days to prove they are legally allowed to collect and they are not allowed to continue their collection efforts until they prove they have a valid claim to do so.  This dispute request does not have to be sent to the debt collector within 30 days as it can be sent at any time, however, if the dispute request is not sent within 30 days, the debt collector only has to stop their collection efforts if you dispute the cliam within the 30 day timeframe.  Once a debt collector receives a dispute notification for validation, they must validate the claim.  Many debt collectors will try to mislead you to make you believe they do not have to validate – but no matter what they tell you, by law., the debt needs to be validated.

Once a debt collector has received a validation notice, they must supply the validation documents to us within 30-days of our request.  If they do not provide validation within 30 days, the debt will then be considered invalid and therefore, legally non-collectible.  Once an alleged debt is proven non-collectible, the debt collector is required to remove the account notations from your credit reports, and you will no longer be obligated to pay your debt – saving you thousands of dollars!  Additionally, once a debt has been proven to be invalid, you will not be responsible for paying any taxes on the forgiven amount.

If it seems to you that this is almost too easy – it is – if you have a validation request that is written correctly by one of our debt Team Members. Even if your the debt collector attempts to validate your alleged debt with an insufficient response, we have the follow-up requests to ensure the collector either send the proper documentation or otherwise, their debt will be invalid.  Many times, we receive all the statements for the history of the account, but that is still not enough.  We require a copy of the original account agreement and all the statements from the time of the inception of the account.  We will then do our forensic accounting to ensure your collectors or original creditors didn’t overcharge you or miscalculate any interest or fees which would violate the Credit Card act of 2009 and the Truth in Lending Act.  Any errors and violations we find can help to invalidate your debt.

If one of your alleged debts has been fully validated, we can then settle the debt for less than the amount you owe anyway and will still be able to save you a ton of money .  You’d be surprised as to how many debt collection agencies are not able to validate their claims, especially the accounts that were sold to third-party debt purchasing companies. They do not have all the records needed to validate their claim and therefore, the Debt Validation strategy, works exceptionally well.

If Your Debt is Invalidated, You Will Still Owe the Money but Don’t Have to Pay


Validation has to do with the debt collectors ability to collect a debt, not whether or not you owe the money. You will no longer owe the money only if the debt is paid or settled.  Even after a debt goes past any applicable statute of limitations, you technically still owe the money, but there is no way for a collector to enforce their claim.  The same concept applies to Debt Validation.  If it is your debt, you will always still owe the money, but if the debt is invalidated, you won’t have to pay the obligation.  Many debt collectors will have the opportunity to collect, and if they do not do so, the owner of the account will pull the debt from that agency and send it to a new agency for collection.  If not validated previously, we will continue to request validation until the collectors no longer attempt to collect from you or until your account goes past the timeframe of the statue of limitations of collections.  At United Global Services, we’ll stick it out with you with you until the end .

Are you looking for professional assistance?
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At United Global Services before we make any recommendations, our team members are trained to ask the right questions to find out about your specific situation. Based on your current income and your financial hardship, we will determine which course of action will work best for you. We do not only offer one path, as no one process can solve everyone’s needs. We will take our time with you and help evaluate what your best course of action should be. CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION and one of our team members will be there to get you started and assist you on your path to financial freedom. There is no obligation so don’t delay.

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Call Now for Your Free Consultation

Call today for your free consultation with an experienced member of our team who will ask the right questions to determine the best course of action. They will go over each option that will make sense for your situation and will be sure to discuss in detail the pros and cons of each.

See How Much Money We Can Save You

Each option will have its own savings potential.   Keep in mind the greater the downsides a choice may have the greater the potential for savings.  Our debt relief representatives will be sure you understand the cost benefits and will be sure to disclose our fees fully.


Retain Our Company and Let the Savings Begin

Once retained, we waste no time in taking action.  We will work quickly and efficiently to bring a successful resolution to your situation.  You will be assigned a specific member of our team that will be in constant contact with you throughout the process.

You have nothing to lose except for your debt!

Relief Options For:

Consumer Debt

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